PhaserMatch and PhaserCal 4.0 User Guide
The checking, adjusting or standardizing of a device. See also
Color Calibration
The Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage. The main international
organization concerned with color appearance and color measurement.
The CIE L*, a*, b* color space where:
L* represents lightness
a* represents redness/greenness
b* represents yellowness/blueness
This is one of the most popular device independent color spaces.
CMYK Color Values
The numerical color values for the primaries Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and
Black which are used by printers and other output devices. These colors
are referred to as device dependent colors. These colors are typically
generated by applications, such as Adobe Photoshop.
Color Appearance
The perception of the color or colors of an object or image. This can be
described in terms of hue, saturation, chroma, and lightness. There are a
large number of human perception factors and color reproduction factors
that determine the color appearance of a printed page.
Color Management
The process of managing color reproduction. This often involves doing
color matching between various devices, such as scanners, monitors,
printers and presses.
Color Patches
Printed Color Swatches.
Color Swatches
Printed Color Swatches.
Color Transform
This refers to the portion of an ICC profile that is the mapping of colors
from CIE Lab color values to and from CMYK color values.
Apple's implementation of ICC-based color management.