Rover-X User Manual Version 1.0
Appendix B: Supplemental Messages
Various commands to the Rover-X have responses with a multitude of information. Below are
some of these responses.
System Information Message
An Information message will send a synopsis of the latest GPS and Iridium statistics from the
device. This message will always be in ASCII format regardless of message format settings and
approximately 80 bytes, depending on value sizes.
All values are set back to zero at reset/power-up.
This message can be prompted using
V=11.28/10.89 T=0.000 SNR=35 nSats=4 GPS:12/0/115 Ird:16/15/1034 RSSI=5
Information Readout
Battery voltages unloaded/loaded
Most recent temperature measurement, not used
MaxSNR (Signal-to-Noise ratio) of the last GPS attempt
Number of connected satellites during last GPS attempt
Quantity of GPS attempts/GPS session fails/Seconds total GPS on-
Quantity of Iridium messages/Quantity of Iridium sessions/Seconds
total on time for the Iridium modem
Last signal strength of the last Iridium transmission reported back
from the modem. Always a number between z
ero and five;
being the strongest signal.
Switch Response
On using the
command with no arguments, the device will return a YES or NO for the
state of each system that can be enabled/disabled:
Ascii: SWITCH: Y = ULGCB N = T
User Enable / Disable Settings: (Switch)
e................GPS(G): YES
e.......Watch Circle(C): YES
e......Tilt Activate(T): NO
When any of the states of these systems is changed, the same message is sent in response.