Resilient User Manual Version 2.0
The Resilient has integrated Bluetooth hardware to facilitate local communication with the user
for configuration, flash memory dumps and firmware upgrades via the Xeos Beacon Android App.
The Resilient’s Bluetooth will advertise after a successful self-test pass using a Bluetooth name
set at the factory. By default, advertisement will only run for the first 5 minutes after power-up
or reset. After this time, the device will need to either be reset, or the Bluetooth power-on
command ($btpwr 1) must be sent to the device through Iridium for Bluetooth to resume
If the Bluetooth power-on command is received, the Resilient will always advertise its name for
connection until the Bluetooth power-off ($btpwr 0) command is received.
If the Resilient is turned off via magnet within the 5 minute advertising window at start-up, the
Resilient will advertise even in an off state. This can be used to turn the Resilient on remotely via
a Bluetooth-sent $resetnow command using the app’s terminal tab.