5 BC Adjustment
When you order a complete BC system, you get all elements connected and ready for use. For improved
comfort and safety of use you should, however, make some final adjustments of the harness straps.
The adjustment description below applies to the most basic model of harness, consisting of steel or aluminium
plate and one piece of webbing, which is popular among technical divers. If you want to use a different model
of harness, specific details on connecting its elements are included in its manual.
Harness straps and crotch strap are adjusted by moving the triglide fastener (stopper) along the webbing.
Proceed as follows:
Put the webbing into the slot of the stopper on the side where you want to shorten the webbing, so
that there is some extra webbing in the central element of the tri-glider.
Pull the excess webbing through the slot in the stopper from the other side.
Fig. 9. Harness strap adjustment – step 2
Fig. 8. Harness strap adjustment – step 1
Fig. 6. Place of harness straps adjustment
Fig. 7. Place of crotch strap straps adjustment