12. Permit
For each instrument, if the equipment is part of the minimum equipment list or requires approval, it may only be
installed if the supplier or manufacturer provides a document on the proper check for compliance with the
respective specification of the individual piece of equipment, area of EASA this is usually the EASA Form One.
For all other equipment, as well as for standard parts, a corresponding examination and documentation of the
same is not required (e.g. device, final approach computer, flight data recording devices, navigation computer,
additional antennas, batteries, cameras, additional pressure probes, mosquito cleaning systems, etc.). This is
regulated in detail by EASA in AMC 21.A.303(c) 2, with the following wording:
AMC 21.A.303(c) Standard Parts
1. In this context a part is considered as a
‘standard part’
where it is designated as such by the design
approval holder responsible for the product, part or appliance, in which the part is intended to be used. In
order to be considered a ‘standard part’, all design, manufacturing, inspection data and marking
requirements necessary to demonstrate conformity of that part should be in the public domain and
published or established as part of officially recognized Standards, or
2. For sailplanes and powered sailplanes, where it is a
non-required instrument
and/or equipment certified
under the provision of CS 22.1301(b), if that instrument or equipment, when installed, functioning,
functioning improperly or not functioning at all, does not in itself, or by its effect upon the sailplane and its
operation, constitute a safety hazard.
‘Required’ in the term ‘non-required’ as used above means required by the applicable certification specifications
(CS 22.1303, 22.1305 and 22.1307) or required by the relevant operating regulations and the applicable Rules of
the Air or as required by Air Traffic Management (e.g. a transponder in certain controlled airspace).
Examples of equipment which can be considered as standard parts are, variometers, bank/slip indicators ball type,
total energy probes, final glide calculators,
navigation computers
, data logger / barograph / turnpoint camera,
bug-wipers and anti-collision systems. Equipment which must be approved in accordance to the certification
specifications shall comply with the applicable ETSO or equivalent and is not considered a standard part (e.g.
oxygen equipment). The XCStick is considered as a part of a navigation computer and therefore runs as non
required equipment. The aircraft can be operated even without a functioning remote control.
This means that no EASA Form One is required for the XCStick.
After installation, the equipment list of the aircraft must be adjusted. In case a relevant change in center of gravity
due to the additional mass of 0.1 kg is expected, a weighing must be carried out and the change has to be
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