This has been stated earlier, but is very important. It takes 4-6 weeks of operation at temperatures above 60-65 degrees F (16-18°C). Before
there is a large enough colony of bacteria to handle the bioconversion of ammonia and fine particulate straining. During this transition period
the pond owner must watch the ammonia and nitrite levels in the pond. If they become dangerously high, steps should be taken to correct
the problem, such as a water change. Also during this period fine particulate straining will not be fully mature and you may notice your water
being less polished than you would like it to be. Both of the above issues will improve with time and the growth of the bacterial colony. This
will occur with any type of bead filter used. To help the nitrification process you can add bacterial cultures.
Bead filters will remove suspended particles down to 5-10 microns in size. However, some algae particles are smaller than 5 microns and will
not be removed by the beads. These tiny algae cells will give the water a green cast and affect the clarity of the water. If the pond owner
wants crystal clear swimming pool clarity, then a UV-light is needed. Uv-lights will also remove many harmful bacteria and decrease the
suspended bacterial counts in the water. We recommend the use of uv-lights for the above reasons.
* If you leave your filter not backwashed for two or more weeks, it is a good idea to do an extra long blower treatment on the beads.
*Word of Caution*
If you leave your filter not backwashed for extended periods of time, and you live in an area with relatively soft water,
you may want to buffer your pond water. The bacteria in the filter can consume enough alkalinity (KH) in the water to cause a dangerous pH
drop. Total alkalinity should be kept above 50ppm (3° dH) to avoid potentially dangerous shifts. To increase alkalinity, add sodium
bicarbonate, change the water, or add a commercially prepared pH Buffers.
When ammonia removal is desired first start with Pond Support Maintenance bacteria to reduce the organic waste in the pond as high levels
of BOD can inhibit nitrification by competing with the nitrifying micro organisms for necessary oxygen. After applying Pond Support
Maintenance wait 24 to 48 hours to do its job, and then apply Pond Support Nitrifying bacteria to start and maintain nitrification. Check to
make sure that the pond pH is in the correct range for nitrification. Adjust the pond pH to a range of 7.5 to 8.7, and check if adequate alkalinity
is present as you must maintain a level of at least 50/ppm (3° dH) of alkalinity at all times. This is necessary as nitrifying micro organisms use
7.1 lbs of alkalinity for each pound of ammonia removed (oxidized). If proper alkalinity is not present, nitrification will not occur, and if
alkalinity is lost, nitrification will cease and the pond pH will drop due to the nitrifying cultures activity. To increase alkalinity add pH buffer
or Pond Support KH+ until you achieve an alkalinity level of 50/ppm (3° dH) to 100/ppm (5,6° dH) (minimum), and then maintain the
alkalinity at a level of at least 50/ppm (3° dH).