15000000 XciteRC Hotbee 3D Quadrocopter
Flight control
Mode 1 (throttle stick at right hand)
1. When moving the aileron stick left or right, the
helicopter accordingly rolls left or right.
2. When moving the elevator stick up or down,
the helicopter accordingly rolls forward or back-
Steps of ending fl ight
• Disconnect the power cable of the receiver.
• Turn off the transmitter.
• Remove the battery.
Additional Instruction
Left Right
Clockwise Back Anticlockwise
• The front propellers are in orange color while the rear propellers are in black
• After connecting the power of the Hotbee 3D, left rear / right front blades rotate clockwise, left front / right
rear blades rotate counterclockwise.
• You can adjust the radio trim button (except the throttle trim) if the quadcopter fl ight drift.
15000000-Hotbee-3D-Quadrocopter-Anleitung.indd 22
25.09.2013 13:45:33