Xaoc Devices KOSZALIN Manual Download Page 2


Thank you for purchasing this Xaoc Devices 
product. Koszalin is a stereo frequency shift-
er  (2  ins/4  outs)  offering  both  quasi-expo-
nential and linear frequency modulation as 
well as full stereo feedback under voltage 
control. Frequency shifting results in a linear 
translation of the signal spectrum, which 
produces a variety of atonal sounds. It should 
not be confused with frequency scaling, also 
known as pitch shifting. Complex phase can-
cellation patterns occurring with frequency 
shifting and deep feedback produce spectac-
ular barber-pole effects.

Koszalin offers direct controls over feedback 
amount, feedback routing, and feedback re-
sponse. It also facilitates frequency modula-
tion of any stereo audio signal, thanks to the 
linear TZFM input. Koszalin is a digital mod-
ule with a DSP behind an analog interface.


The module requires 10hp worth of free space 
in the Eurorack cabinet. Always turn the 
power off before plugging the module into 
the bus board using the supplied 16-pin/16-
pin ribbon cable, paying close attention to 
power cable pinout and orientation. The red 
stripe indicates the negative rail and should 
match the 
–12v mark on the bus board and 
the unit. Koszalin is internally secured against 
reversed  power  connection;  however,  flip-
ping the 16-pin header 

may cause serious 


 to other components of your system 

because it will short circuit the +12V and +5V 
power lines. Always pay particularly close at-
tention to the proper orientation of your rib-
bon cable on both sides!

The module should be fastened by mounting 
the supplied screws before powering up. To 
better understand the device and avoid com-
mon pitfalls, we strongly advise the user to 
read through the entire manual before use.

mOduLe OVerVIeW

The front panel of Koszalin (fig. 1) features a 
shift knob 


 used for setting the amount 

of frequency shifting applied to the input 
signal  (in  Hz).  The  response  of  this  knob  is 
bent exponentially in both directions from 
the center of the scale (which indicates 0Hz). 
In other words, the scale is stretched propor-
tionally around zero, which facilitates great-
er precision in setting a low shift amount. 
Three ranges are set with the 
range switch 


:  X1  (-50Hz  to  +50Hz),  X10  (-500Hz  to 

+500Hz),  and  X100  (-5kHz  to  +5kHz).  Ste-
reo input signals should be patched into the 
pair of 
input jacks 


. The input indica-



 shows the volume of the input using 

light intensity and color, gradually changing 
from green to yellow and red when the sum 
exceeds 16Vpp.

Two pairs of stereo outputs are available for 
independent access to the signal being shifted 


 (towards higher frequencies), as well as 

shifted down 


 (towards lower frequencies, 

including and beyond 0Hz; more on that be-



