4.0 Troubleshooting
©2002 Xantrex Technology Inc. All Rights Reserved.
P/N 975-0049-01-01 Rev A 10/2002
Potential Problem Loads related to Search Sense Mode (continued)
Computers and Sensitive Electronics
Some computers and sophisticated electronics have
power supplies that do not present a load until correct
line voltage is available. When this occurs, each unit
waits for the other to begin. This can usually be solved
by plugging in an additional load (such as a lamp) to
bring the unit out of its search mode. Avoid starting
large loads when using a computer .
Incandescent Lights
Incandescent lights have a higher starting wattage when
the filament is cold than the continuous rating of the
For example:
if the unit is set to sense a 40-watt
load, and a 30-watt bulb is turned on, the unit will
initially sense a load because the bulb’s cold-starting
wattage will exceed the 40-watt threshold . When the
bulb warms up, it will draw less than the threshold
wattage, the unit will revert to idle mode and the light
will go off. When the light cools, its load will again
exceed the threshold and the cycle will repeat.
Fluorescent Bulbs
These work the opposite of incandescent light bulbs. If
the unit is set to detect a 30-watt load and a 40-watt
fluorescent light is switched on, the inverter will not
detect it because fluorescent tubes draw less than
30 watts until the gas in the tube ionizes.
Fluorescent Lights
Some devices cannot be detected by the unit’s load
sensor and will not operate. Small fluorescent lights are
the most common example. This can usually be solved
by plugging in an additional load.
Decreasing Loads
If the amount of power a load draws decreases after it
has been switched on (such as with a small motor) and
its current draw becomes less than the load sensing
threshold, it will be turned alternately ON and OFF by
the unit. This can usually be solved by plugging in an
additional load (such as a lamp).
Undersized Loads
If the power consumed by a device is less than the unit’s
search mode circuitry threshold, it will not run. This can
usually be solved by plugging in an additional load such
as a 100-watt light bulb.