User’s Manual XAiOX NavOne V3.0 Bluetooth GPS Receiver
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1. Introduction
1.1 Overview
The XAiOX NavOne GPS Receiver is a Global Position System Receiver with Bluetooth
wireless technology. This BT GPS receiver allows you to receive GPS data on mobile
handhelds wirelessly. By sending >GPS position data over Bluetooth, you can position
the receiver fort he bet possible reception all without wires. The advent of Bluetooth GPS
receiver will become the next level of GPS receivers. The BT GPS receiver integrates
Bluetooth module into GPS device. It shows the high performance, low power
consumption, easily portable, rechargeable % removable battery function and wireless
data transmission. If you have a Pocket PC or other portable devices enabled with
Bluetooth function for example ASUS-620, iPAQ2210, JP and Palm, you can take
advantage of your device’s Bluetooth capability to wirelessly add GPS positioning
technology. When you choose suitable navigation software, you can apply to personal,
vehicle tracking, and marine navigation. If you use this Bluetooth GPS receiver, you will
ignore the messy cords and antenna and add the portability of your Pocket PC. In
addition, this Bluetooth GPS receiver can change the exhausted battery to full battery
like battery of mobile phone.