5. Guidelines to properly CLEAN your LCD screens
Turn your display off and allow it to cool.
Make sure your cloth is clean and free of any grit before starting.
Spray a liberal amount of the cleaning solution onto one portion of the cloth
Using light pressure, wipe the screen to evenly distribute the solution on the
Rotating the cloth to a dry portion, wipe the screen until it is dry. You may
need to rotate the cloth a second time. Always use light wiping pressure.
Wipe gently and do not overwork or apply excessive pressure to avoid
damaging the surface or surface coatings. Finally clean the edges and
corners by lifting any dust or debris onto the cloth or use a clean soft brush
or a vacuum with a clean soft brush attachment.
Read the special considerations below.
Warning Note:
Using Windex, Pledge or other similar household products
that contain ammonia on your screen can damage the coating of your screen.