If the floodlights do not turn on.
Be sure that the Motion Detector has
power. Check that the wall switch (ii in-
stalled) is turned on.
Confirm the position of the THIS UNIT
Check the setting of the DUSK control.
Note: If you change the DUSK control’s
setting you must wait 10 minutes for the
new setting to take effect.
If a particular module controlled by
your Motion Detector does not turn
on or off.
Be sure that the Module has power and
the switch on the light or appliance is
Confirm that the Housecode on the Mo-
tion Detector and the Module are set the
Check the setting of the Module’s Unit
Be sure the SENSOR or DUSK switch
for that module is set to IN.
Try plugging the Module into another
outlet. If the Module does not work in
any outlet, replace the Module. If the
Module works in some outlets but not in
others, contact X-10 for help.
If your Motion Detector does not con-
trol any modules.
Be sure there is power to the Motion
Detector. If it is controlled by a wall
switch, check that the wall switch is
turned on. Check that the Housecode is
set correctly.
If you can’t get the Motion Detector
to turn off.
1. Turn off power at the circuit breaker
panel. Wait 10 seconds.
2. Set the RANGE control to MAX.
3. Set the DUSK control to LIGHT.
4, Set the TIME DELAY to 0.1 min-
5. Set THIS UNIT switch to SENSOR.
6. Turn power on at circuit breaker.
7. Wait for 1 minute. Then walk past
the Motion Detector, from side to
side. The floodlights will be on be-
cause they were on when you turned
the power off.
8. Ensure that the Motion Detector does
not detect any movement for at least
10 seconds. The floodlights will then
turn off.
9. Set the controls to your desired set-
When the power comes back on after a
power failure, your Motion Detector re-
turns to the state it was in before the
power loss. Lamp and Wall Switch
Modules remain off after power is re-
stored. Appliance Modules stay as they
were before the interruption.
Intercom systems that send signals over
your house’s electrical wiring can inter-
fere with the operation of your X-10
Modules. If the intercom system has its
own separate wiring it does not cause a
Modifying or tampering with your Mo-
tion Detector’s internal components can
cause a malfunction and might invali-
If a Module is on when you apply pow-
er to the Motion Detector, the Module
will remain on until the Motion Detec-
tor turns it off. If you have set the Mod-
ule for dusk-to-dawn operation and you
don’t have a controller to tum it off
with, you might have to wait until the
next day for the Motion Detector to turn
the Module off. Or, you can temporarily
set the Module to be controlled by one
of the codes used when the Motion De-
tector detects motion. Then, walk past
the Motion Detector. The
turn off after the delay time set on the
Motion Detector. You can then set the
Module back to the code used for dusk-
to-dawn operation.
date its warranty.