Section 6:
Assembling the ventral fins and nose
Step 1.
Locate ventral fins and nose cone!
Step 2.
Draw a line in line with main oleos to back of
fuselage. The ventral fins are in line with oleo!
Step 3.
Roughen location of fins and glue to fuselage.
The angle must be the same as oleos! The
longer side must be in front!
Step 4.
Locate two nose formers.
Step 5.
Apply glue to formers and attached to fuselage.
Step 6.
Slide nose cone over formers. Make sure no
glue touches nose cone. Make sure of fit and
tape in this position till glue has cured.
Step 7.
Locate metal pin and fasten nose cone.
Step 8.
Drill small holes where nose cone over lap fuse
lage and secure by 6 x 1mm self tappers.
This complete this section!
Items Required:
1. Fuselage
2. Ventral fins (2)
3. Nose cone 4. Nose formers (2)
5. Slow cure epoxy 6. Masking tape
7. Clamps.