add voice VLAN ID, and other data packets will add
data VLAN ID; data untagged means after using VLAN,
only VoIP packets will add voice VLAN ID. Other data
packets will not use VLAN.
DiffServ Enable
Select it or not to Enable or disable DiffServ.
DiffServ Value
Set DiffServ value, the common value is 0x00.
Voice 802.1P
Specify 802.1P Priority of voice/signal data package.
Data 802.1P
Set 802.1p of data VLAN. Non-VoIP data (such as http,
telnet, ping etc) will use this value to set VLAN
Set VLAN ID of voice/signal data package.
Set 802.1q of data VLAN ID. Non-VoIP data (such as
http, telnet, ping etc) will use this value to set VLAN
Startup VLAN, if set Voice/Data VLAN differentiated as Undifferentiated,
all packets will use the Voice VLAN ID as the tag.
2) Startup VLAN, if set Voice/Data VLAN differentiated as tag differentiated
and disables the DiffServ, then system will not distinguish the voice and
data, all packets will use the Voice VLAN ID as the tag.
3) Startup VLAN, if set Voice/Data VLAN differentiated as tag differentiated
and enables the DiffServ, then system will distinguish the voice and data
and add the VLAN ID each other.
4) Startup VLAN, if set Voice/Data VLAN differentiated as data untagged, then
the packet of the signal/voice will use the Voice VLAN ID as the tag, but
the data packets will not take the VLAN tag.
5) If Disable the VLAN, regardless to set the Voice/Data VLAN differentiated
or not, all packets will not take the VLAN tag; If enable the DiffServ, all
packets will only take the DiffServ value.
6) One must to notice, enable the VLAN ID Check Enable that is default, If
enable it, the gateway will match the VLAN ID strictly. When others' VLAN
ID not matches with us, the packets will discard. Contrarily, the gateway
will accept the packets with the distinct VLAN ID.
7) You must gain the IP with the Static mode when you set VLAN, otherwise
can't gain the IP in the VLAN and also can not dial with point to point. Service Port
You can set the port of telnet/HTTP/RTP by this page.