X-Rite World Headquarters
© 1995 X-Rite, Incorporated
Doc# DI00012a.doc
(616) 534-7663 Fax (616) 534-8960
August 18, 1995
Interfacing the DTP32/DTP12 with the Seiko DPU-411 Thermal Printer
To interface the DTP unit to send output to a Seiko DPU-411 Thermal Printer, you must first
set-up three things: 1) connect the two devices with the correct cabling and adapters, 2) set
the dip switches on the DPU-411 correctly, and 3) configure the communications set-up on the
DTP unit.
To connect the DTP32 or DTP12 to the Seiko printer you will need a 418-69 cable and a 418-
80 converter from X-Rite. Plug the 418-80 into the RS 232 port in the back of the Seiko
Printer. Next plug the cable in; one end to the DTP unit, the other to the adapter plugged into
the printer. It will not matter which end goes to which device.
Setting the DPU's Dip Switches
Next you must set the dip switches found on the bottom of the Seiko DPU-411 Thermal
Printer. Turning the printer over you will notice two sets of dip switches. The first set of
switches are labeled 1 through 8. The second set is labeled 1 through 6. Switches pushed up
(towards the word "ON") are on, while switches in the down position are off. Set the switches
as follows:
1: OFF
1: ON
2: OFF
2: ON
3: ON
3: OFF
4: ON
4: OFF
5: OFF
5: ON
6: OFF
6: ON
7: ON
8: ON
Configuring the DTP
To configure the DTP unit we must go to the configure menu. Start by pressing the two right-
most buttons on the DTP unit at the same time. This will get you to Page one of the MAIN
MENU. Now press the left-most button twice to scroll you to page 3 of the Main Menu. The
display should read "p3 cnfg edit". Press the button under the word "cnfg" to enter the configu-
ration menu.
Interfacing the DTP32/DTP12 with the Seiko
DPU-411 Thermal Printer
Author - Michael DiCosola