Remote Management (RDM) and ConfiguraAon
Mercury-equipped laser systems can be managed and configured via RDM. Standard RDM Parameters
such as DMX start address, personality, and device label can be accessed through any compliant RDM
controller via the 5-pin DMX port, or via Art-Net. AddiAonal configuraAon opAons are available that
require custom, X-Laser-specific RDM parameters, which can be accessed using XLERATE, X-Laser’s free
companion so]ware. XLERATE can connect to Mercury-equipped laser systems via a local network and
configure all of the Laser’s RDM-enabled properAes, including all of their custom parameters. XLERATE
can also discover and configure other RDM-enabled devices that are accessible via Art-Net. For more
informaAon or to download XLERATE, please see
Because of the wide range of possible pa6erns that Mercury-equipped laser systems can create, these
systems cannot be directly visualized like a typical moving light within a standard previsualizaAon tool.
Instead, XLERATE, X-Laser’s free companion so]ware, can be used to emulate Mercury-equipped laser
systems and send the resulAng laser data to many of the leading previsualizaAon tools to be rendered
along with your other lighAng. XLERATE also features built-in 2D preview windows that can be used
even without an external previsualizaAon tool to preview and pre-program effects. For more
informaAon or to download XLERATE, please see