General Guidelines for Proper Usage
1. Always treat your laser with great care as some components are very fragile. While this product is
designed to withstand the normal rigors of producAon use, drops or other severe impacts may cause
internal misalignments requiring factory service or other serious internal damage. Care for it as you
would a video projector.
2. Mercury-equipped X-Laser systems including the Skywriter HPX M-series are designed to work well
with professional producAon lighAng control systems. More basic control systems may not be able to
present the capabiliAes of the Mercury control system in an intuiAve or easy to use manner leading
to a frustraAng experience. If you need a control soluAon, we highly recommend Avolites Titan
3. Always keep all factory supplied labels on the unit and visible. Never cover or disable the emission
indicator on the front of the unit. The labels and indicators are all required for legal compliance.
4. The unit is supplied with black wrap foil to be used as beam blocks to prevent the laser from
accidentally scanning into the audience area. This is provided separate from the fixture so that it can
be applied, adjusted, and removed easily for mobile entertainment applicaAons.
5. If this unit is to be permanently installed, you may permanently apply the foil to the outside of the
unit. To apply, simply use thin strips of gaffer’s tape or a heat safe glue for permanent installaAon.
Using this foil is required for maximum safety and we recommend replacing the foil and/or tape at
the first signs of wear. Replacement foil strips can be obtained very inexpensively through your X-
Laser dealer.
6. Always maintain open space around all sides of the laser to facilitate airflow.
7. Always operate the laser in an ambient temperature of 50-90°F. OperaAon outside of this
temperature range may result in failure or diminished operaAng life. Such failures are NOT covered
under our manufacturer’s warranty.
8. This unit is primarily intended for indoor use, but occasional outdoor use is acceptable. Treat this
fixture like you would a video projector when using outdoors. Do not expose this fixture to rain or
temperatures outside of a normal working range of 50-90°F/10-32°C, or direct sunlight. Do not store
this product outdoors. While the Skywriter series is not fully weatherproof, the fixture is weather
resistant, so outdoor use is acceptable. If the fixture will be used outdoors, we recommend that the
fixture be covered, specifically over the back panel and top panel to protect the wired connecAons