P.I. Engineering offers a free Software Development Kit with code samples in
C#, C++ and .NET. Please visit the Developers section on our website:
Should you encounter difficulty with the installation or programming, please
check the troubleshooting guide on our web site (www.xkeys.com).
Alternatively, you may contact our technical support department.
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 517 655-5523 Ext. 19
X-keys USB devices require MacroWorks 3 for Windows XP, Vista, or 7 or
ControllerMate for Mac OS-X. The X-keys Foot Pedal also has a “Hardware
Mode” which gives it the ability to mimic a USB keyboard or mouse on any
USB enabled operating system (including Linux). Learn more about Hardware
Mode on our web site or contact our Technical Support Department
([email protected]).
Programming Switch
The programming switch referenced in our software and documentation is
located under the center pedal. Carefully prying up the pedal will reveal a
circuit board with the switch facing the front of the pedal. “Programming
position” is to the right. “Operating position” is to the left.