SoundGrid Server (SGS)
The SoundGrid Server is the “number cruncher” that performs the audio processing. Audio is
streamed from the card to the server, gets processed at low latency, and is streamed back to
the card, according to the audio connections established using the MultiRack SoundGrid host
Visit http://www.waves.com/hardware/soundgrid-‐servers for a list of supported servers.
Network Switch
The switch connects all SoundGrid components. The network switch must be a gigabit switch.
Refer to http://www.waves.com/hardware/soundgrid-‐switches for a list of supported switches.
High quality CAT 6 STP cables are required for SoundGrid, which uses Giga Ethernet.
MultiRack SoundGrid Application
MultiRack SoundGrid is the included host platform that controls the Waves plugins. It is
compatible with both Mac and Windows, and consists of virtual effects racks, each of which can
contain up to eight plugins. It allows you to program up to 1000 snapshots per session, so you
can seamlessly change setups between or even within songs. For more information, refer to the
MultiRack SoundGrid user guide.
MultiRack SoundGrid is compatible with Waves plugins version 9.2 or higher. Refer to
http://www.waves.com/support/tech-‐specs/supported-‐platforms for a full list of SoundGrid-‐
compatible plugins.