Lab-Trax™ 4/24T
is a 4-channel recorder that provides the high resolution and
sensitivity required for cardiovascular/hemodynamic research, organ and tissue bath
studies, oocyte clamp and epithelial voltage clamp applications. Each channel is
independent, with its own 24-bit analog-to-digital converter. This provides much higher
resolution and sensitivity over conventional recorders.
In addition, each channel input is equipped with the appropriate fi lters and amplifi cation
required. This makes the
Lab-Trax™ 4/24T
recorder a space-effi cient “one box” solution.
Setup is plug-and-play easy with connection to PC or Mac computers via the popular USB
Included Items
Lab-Trax 4/24T
is shipped with the following:
USB Cable
Data-Trax2™ Installation CD
(Software manual is PDF fi le on CD, or select “Help” from Data-Trax2 menu)
Hardware Instruction Sheet
If any items are missing, they should be reported to WPI within 10 days of receipt.
Optional Cable
The Lab-Trax4/24T is capable of recording 'single-ended' output voltages with the use of
an adaptor cable (WPI# 300344). The cable converts the 8-pin DIN input on the LabTrax
4/24T into a male BNC connector. Use this fi ve-foot cable to connect the 8-pin DIN
connector to the Lab-Trax4/24 and the standard BNC to an amplifi er.