Cordless Li-ion handy saw
stops and remove the safety key.
2) Raise the safety guard and hold it up.
3) Grasp the middle of the insert, lift and pull
out the mulching insert completely.
4) The safety guard is spring loaded. When you
release it, the guard will return to the closed
4. battEry StatUS lEd’S (See h)
NotE: the status lEd’s will indicate the
battery condition when the button on the
battery is pressed.
The LED’s constantly senses and displays the
battery condition as follows:
Press the button “PRESS”, the light button is
When the three green lights are illuminated,
the battery is in a highly charged condition.
When two lights ( ) are illuminated, the
battery is in a moderately charged condition.
When only one green light ( ) is illuminated,
the battery charge is depleted.
Before using your new mower for the first
time, it is recommended that the unit be
charged overnight to ensure that the battery is
fully charged.
when only one light is illuminated,
your battery is overly discharged, even
though the mower may still be capable
of cutting grass. Continuing to operate
your lawnmower with the battery in this
discharged condition may reduce the life
and performance of your battery.
5. adJUStiNG thE CUttiNG hEiGht
(See i)
Before adjusting the mower
height, wait for the mower to completely
stop. Mower blades continue to rotate after the
machine is switched off and a rotating blade
can cause injury. Wait until all machine
components have completely stopped before
touching them.
Before your first cut, adjust the mower cutting
depth to the desired position. The lawnmower
can be set to 3 cutting heights between
1.8”(45mm) and 3.3”(85mm).
Grip one wheel and pull it out of the groove
and reposition it in the required height. ALL
other wheels should be positioned at the same
6. GraSS baG FilliNG iNdiCator
(See J)
To remind you immediately to empty when
the grass bag is full, the mower provides
an indicator on the top of bag to show the
collection status. And you can follow as below:
Empty status: flap float (a)
Fully status: flap fall down (b)
7. rEar diSCharGE (See k)
The mower provides a rear discharge function,
so that you can mower without bag collection.
The debris will be discharged from the rear
8. mowiNG tiPS
NotE: always inspect area where mower
is to be used and remove all stones,
sticks, wire, metal and other debris
which might be thrown by the rotating
1. Mow across the face of slopes, never up-
and-down. Exercise extreme caution when
changing direction on slopes. Do not mow
excessively steep slopes. Always maintain
good footing.
2. Release switch lever to turn mower “OFF”
when crossing any graveled area (stones can
be thrown by the blade).
3. Set mower at highest cutting height when
mowing in rough ground or in tall weeds.
Removing too much grass at one time can
cause circuit breaker to trip, which stops
4. If a grass bag is used during the fast
growing season, the grass may tend to clog up
at the discharge opening. Release switch lever
to turn mower “OFF” and remove the safety
key. Remove the grass bag and shake the
grass down to the back end of the bag. Also
clean out any grass or debris which may be
packed around the discharge opening. Replace
the grass bag.
5. If mower should start to vibrate abnormally,