BIOS Settings
In this chapter, we will teach you how to enter the BIOS setup program as well as the
setup of control options for all kinds of hardware. You will also learn how to use the
setup of the built-in protection. BIOS can restrict the access by uses by setting up
passwords. This is important function because the tablet PC usually keeps a lot of
materials and the unauthorized access can be prevented.
Execute BIOS Setup
If you plan to execute the BIOS setup, press „volume decrease key“ when starting
the computer
Use the BIOS
How to select
The BIOS consists of a three level structure: menu title, drop-down menu and sub-
menu. You can move trough the options and select them by keyboard. You can see the
information about the selected option at the right part of the screen.
The bottom of the screen shows neccassary keys for the work in the BIOS.
The cases where you need to execute the BIOS setup:
• In case of any problem founding in the booting test, some information will appear
on the screen, requiring you to execute the BIOS setup.
• You need to resume the default value.
• You need to change the setup value according to the specific hardware.
• You need to change the setup value in order to acquire the optimum system
In the BIOS, you can
change basic settings of
the hardware. Please only
do this if you are aware of
the consequences of the
Fälle in denen die BIOS Verwendung notwendig ist:
• Wenn beim Booten ein Problem festgestellt wird, werden Sie aufgefordert das
BIOS Setup auszuführen.
• Wenn Sie den Computer in den Ursprungszustand zurücksetzen wollen
• Wenn Sie hardwarespezifische Einstellungen ändern
• Um Einstellungen zu treffen, welche die Systemperformance optimieren
BIOS Optionen
Fortfahren und normal starten
Boot Manager:
Boot Optionen
Device Management:
UEFI Optionen
Boot from File:
Auswählen einer UEFI Datei zum booten
Secure Boot Option:
Secure Boot Optionen
BIOS Einstellungen
BIOS Settings
„Boot Option“:
Continue, and normal startup
Boot Manager:
Boot option
Device Management:
UEFI options
Boot from File:
Select a UEFI file to startup
Secure Boot Option:
Secure Boot Option
BIOS settings