One of my favourite mix tricks is to use resonant HPFs on kick drum
and bass, tuned so the resonant peak of the bass filter is sitting in the
dip of the kick drum filter.
A few years ago I read a great article about the design of the E-Mu
) which discussed how that machine has different
filters on the voices which help place the samples in the spectral field
so tracks made with that machine already start to sound mixed straight
out of the machine.
These ideas have come together into the module you’ve now got in
front of you, we hope that it helps your tracks step up a level and saves
you time panning, filtering and EQing things in a DAW so you can focus
on the fun stuff, making sounds with your modular!
SoundStage essential concepts:
Panning in SoundStage is simple, if you patch in on the left hand side of
the module your sound will be panned to the left, similarly patching in
on the right pans right. However no sounds are hard panned, even if