World Class Catamarans
Batteries should be secured in a non-metallic tray and insulated boots should cover the ter-
minals. Depending on the style of battery you choose, inspect the electrolyte and perform rou-
tine maintenance as suggested by the manufacturer. Remove corrosion from the terminals
quickly to prevent failure. Use a stiff brush and a solution of water and baking soda to remove
corrosion, then grease the terminals to prevent further build-up. Be careful to clean up thor-
oughly to avoid contaminating the electrolyte.
When servicing the batteries, follow the safety procedures shown below and work to avoid
electrolyte spills which can harm you and your vessel.
1. Use protective clothing and accessories such as aprons, gloves, and eye wear to protect
yourself while servicing batteries.
2. Avoid cigarettes, open flames, and sparks. Batteries can produce toxic and explosive
gases; therefore, store or charge them in a well ventilated space.
3. Keep batteries out of the reach of children and pets.
If you are exposed to the electrolyte solution, follow these procedures and seek immediate
medical attention.
- Flush with large amounts of water for contact with the skin. If severe irrita-
tion occurs or it contacts your eyes, seek medical attention immediately.
- Consume large amounts of water or milk, coupled with milk of magnesia. a
beaten egg, or vegetable oil. Seek medical attention immediately.
The guidelines above are basic and do not alleviate the owner of responsibility should an
accident occur. Use good judgement and common sense to avoid an accident.
All batteries contain an electrolyte, commonly sulfuric acid, which is a caustic and
volatile chemical. Use extreme caution when charging or servicing them.
When reconnecting your batteries, always connect the black cable to the negative
terminal and red cable to the positive one. Reversing them can damage you electri-
cal system and create a potential for electric shock.
Never disconnect a battery while underway. Doing so may result in damage to your
boat’s electrical system and the engine’s alternator.