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Log division without supports (Fig. F)
• Using topping (Pos. 1), saw 1/3 of the way into the
• Turn the log around and make a second top cut (Pos.
• When sawing on the compression side, make sure the
saw does not get jammed. See Figure for cuts in logs
on the compression side.
Log division with log or support
(Fig. G-H)
Always remember to make the first cut (Pos. 1) on the
loaded side of the log.
• Cut 1/3 into the log for this.
• Make a second cut (Pos. 2).
Trimming and pruning
Always be careful and protect yourself from kickback.
Never let the moving chain at the tip of the chain guide
come in contact with other branches or objects during
trimming or cutting branches. Such contact can lead to
serious injuries.
Never climb into the tree for trimming or pruning. Do not
stand on ladders, platforms etc. You could lose your bal-
ance and control of the device.
Important notices
• Work slowly and hold on to the saw with both hands.
Ensure a secure standing position and balance.
Beware of recoiling parts of the tree. Practise extreme
caution when cutting small parts of the tree. Flexible
material can get caught in the saw-chain and be eject-
ed in your direction or make you lose your balance.
• Beware of recoiling parts of the tree. This particularly
applies to bent or loaded branches. Avoid coming in
contact with the branch or the saw when the tension
on the wood is released.
• Keep your working area clear. Clear the path of
branches so you do not trip over them.
• Do not start trimming the tree before it has been felled.
Only then can you carry out the trimming safely and
• Leave larger branches underneath the felled tree and
use them as a support while you continue working.
• Start at the foot of the felled tree and work your way
up to the top. Remove smaller parts of the tree with
one cut.
• Make sure that the tree is always between you and
the saw.
• Remove larger, supporting branches using the method
from Section „Log division without support“.
• Always remove small freely suspended parts of the
tree with a top cut. They may fall into the saw or trap
it if you use an undercut.
Pruning (Fig. K)
Prune branches only at or below shoulder height. Never
cut branches above shoulder height. Leave that kind of
work to a professional.
For the first cut (Pos. 1), cut 1/3 of the way into the
lower part of the branch.
• Then cut all the way through the branch with the sec-
ond cut (Pos. 2). The third cut (Pos. 3) is a top cut
with which you separate the branch from the trunk at
a distance of 2.5 to 5cm.
5.8 Remaining risks
created by cutting and impact, related to the saw chain.
from contact with parts under high voltage (direct con-
tact) or parts which have become under high voltage un-
der faulty conditions (indirect contact).
which can result in burns, scalds and other injuries, cre-
ated by possible contact of persons with objects or ma-
terials with high temperature including the radiation of
heat sources.
which can result in hearing losses (deafness) and oth-
er physiological disorders (e.g. loss of balance, loss of
awareness), and interference with auditory signals and
speech communication. Can cause hearing damage
(deafness) and other physiological disorders (e.g. loss
of balance, loss of consciousness), as well as to acous-
tic signal disorders and language communication disor-
which can result in peripheral circulatory and nervous
functional disturbances in the hand-arm system, such as
white finger disease.
with or inhalation of harmful fluids, gases, mists, fumes
and dusts related to exhaust gases.
from unhealthy postures or excessive efforts related to
machine use.
from unexpected start-up, unexpected overrun/over-