Step 8
Next attach the 2 side mouldings in the same manner. Make
sure the mouldings fit tight up against the bottom of the top
moudling. Also try to get them flush with the sides of the
case as well.
Step 9
Install the bottom moulding last. Make sure that it is tight
up against the bottom of the side mouldings, and that it is
even side to side. Both the top and bottom are slightly wider
the the width of the case.
Step 10
Your shelves are adjustable on 32mm center to suit your
needs. Depending on the height of your case, it will come
with 1-6 adjustable shelves. Extra shelves and pins are
available online at
Woodland Mills
Visit our online store at
Important Note
Bookcases over 46” in height should be securely
fastened to the wall to prevent tipping over..
Since your new bookcase has a 100% solid wood
back, you may simply screw through the back of
the case and into a wall stud. A 3” long screw is
recomended. It may be helpful to drill a small
pilot hole first.
If you are certain that you will never need to take
your case apart, you may place 2 1 1/4” finish nails
in each of the 4 corners on the back of the case.
This will help prevent “racking” or side to side
movement of the case. You may also glue the first
and last plank in place.