8. Maintenance and Storage
When you have finished using the clipper remove the clipper blades, clean and
oil them, and store in the Wolseley blade tin.
Clean and oil the clipper head and store the clipper with the blades in the
Wolseley case.
Store in a dry place out of reach of children.
9. Disposal
Please dispose of your clipper and battery pack in the correct manner at a
registered recycling facility and not at a landfill site. (more information can be
found at www.recyclemore.co.uk).
Alternatively, you can contact the retailer who sold you the product or Stockshop
Wolseley directly, who will be able to help you dispose of the product.
7. Frequent Clipping Questions
My blades won’t cut
Remove them and clean them as there may be hair between the blades.
They maybe blunt and need replacing with a sharp set.
The tension might be too slack - consult Section 4b to correctly tension.
If there are lines showing on your horse you may not be overlapping
adequately or there may be teeth missing from your blades.
My clipper won’t start
The internal motor switch may have tripped, see Section 5.
Check the connector between the battery pack and clipper is firmly connected.
Your battery pack/battery may need charging.
My machine is getting too hot
Check the tensioning of the blades – over tensioning causes the motor to
Ensure that the blades are properly oiled with the correct type of oil.
NSPrint 01939 232796
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