Output Select
This option is only available for any screen that is not assigned to a video
wall mode.
Output Type
This option is only available for any screen that is not assigned to a video
wall mode. It allows setting of the selected screen output mode as
described in the
Error! Reference source not found.
section on page
Output Format
This option is only available for any screen that is not assigned to a video
wall mode. It allows setting of the output resolution for the selected
screen output.
Four sub options : OFF ( default ), H ( Horizontal ), V ( Vertical ) , H+V
When select H+V, you can make 180
rotation with the selected screen
Test Pattern
When enable this feature, the output will display Color Bar pattern
Bezel Setting
The Bezel Setting section allows the entry of values to compensate for the display bezel thickness.
These values may be entered either as pixels (Type A) or as millmetre (Type B).
Type A Bezel Settings
The image size will be adjusted to allow for the number of pixels entered in each of the entry
boxes. Click the
button view the effect of the new values.
Type B Bezel Settings
The image size will be adjusted to allow for the Inner and Outer display dimensions as entered
in each of the entry boxes. Click the
button view the effect of the new values.
Bezel Compensation
The following images demonstrate the effect of not having bezel compensation and what a
correctly configured bezel compensation settings should produce:
No Bezel Compensation
Correct Bezel Compensation
Layout Save/Load
The Save Scene/Layout and Load Scene/Layout buttons allow a video wall configuration to be
saved or recalled at any time. Up to 10 configurations, each with their own name can be saved
or recalled. When saving, each Scene can optionally be given a name to identify that video wall
Video Wall Processor