Outdoor Grill Installation
Depending on the serial number of the grill, there may
be one or two connectors near the front of the grill just
above the manifold. Refer to auxiliary harness section
for serial numbers. Locate the connector(s) by looking
above the manifold near the front of the grill.
Remove the unpopulated connector housing(s) from
the wire harness(es) coming from the grill as shown in
illus 16.
Attach the appropriate connector housing(s) from the
side burner to the grill. Refer to illus 17. If only one
connector is found on the grill, refer to the auxiliary
harness section for assembly of the second connector
Install Side Burner to Cart
There can be minimal variation in the
manufacturing process of these outdoor products, so the
alignment tool will not be precise in all applications.
If side burner does not align front to back, remove unit,
loosen shroud screws and bolts and check with align-
ment tool. Nudge side burner forward or backward to
establish proper alignment. Verify that alignment up
and down is still accurate. Tighten screws and bolts.
Check alignment and adjust again, if necessary.
If side burner does not align up and down near front of
unit, loosen hex cap screws under bullnose, lift up or
push down on unit to achieve desired alignment and
tighten screws.
If side burner does not align up and down near rear of
unit, loosen pan head screws at rear of unit, lift up or
push down on unit to achieve desired alignment and
tighten screws.
If side burner does not align side to side, loosen hex
cap screws under bullnose and pan head screws at
rear of unit. Push in or pull out on side burner to
achieve desired alignment. If necessary, loosen screws
at rear of grill where grill attaches to cart and align grill
with side burner. Tighten screws.
Illus 16.
Illus 17.