Working with the camera
see section 8.2
Briefly press the ON/OFF key to reset the distance
counter to zero. This may be reasonable at the
beginning of the pipe.
Time and date
The time and date are displayed in the bottom
right corner. The recorded time is displayed when
the video is played back.
Home Function (only Wöhler VIS 350)
The home function ensures the camera head is
automatically aligned to a straight position, ensur-
ing the camera "looks straight ahead".
Moreover, when the user presses the HOME key,
the camera head aligns itself so that the display is
parallel with the ground above (this function is
deactivated if the camera head faces 90° upwards
or downwards. Under these circumstances, the
optics can only be guided forwards).
To determine the grade described under para-
graph 8.4.1, the camera head must be aligned
To activate the home function, press the
SHIFT key and then the HOME key.
Fig. 20: Home function