Close the control panel and reboot the host computer after making an IP address
change like this to be sure the change takes effect. Either reconnect to the installed
network or continue with this direct connection to access the iAM-MIX Web GUI.
Make the corresponding address, mask and gateway changes in the iAM-MIX
Network Setup page.
Throughout the Web GUI, other pages are a click or two away on the left side.
System Overview on this Dashboard page shows all preset configurations at a
The currently selected preset for local operation is shown full color. Other stored,
but not selected, presets have gray backgrounds.
The top row shows which sources are used in the preset. The middle row shows
which channel numbers are assigned to each control strip. Colors in the bottom row
indicate green for active, or red for muted states.
No changes can be made on this screen. Click where it says ‘View Details’, or click
on Configuration / Presets Management in the left navigation pane to make preset
The lower part of the page shows front and rear panels for setup reference, plus
alerts, status and license information.