Selecting the measurement mode
12.6 RH %, DBT, WBT – Relative Humidity, dry bulb temperature and
wet bulb temperature
Fig. 10: Relative Humidity
In RH mode, the Relative Humidity will be dis-
played beside the mode icon.
In RH-mode, press UP-Key for DBT (dry bulb
Press Up-Key again for WBT (wet bulb tem-
In RH mode, a high moisture content is indicated
by a drop icon in the upper left corner of the dis-
60 % < Relative Humidity
75% :
75 % < Relative Humidity
90% :
Relative Humidity >90% :
12.7 DPT – Dew point Temperature
A colour scale and different drop icons help to find critical areas:
Fig. 11: Colour-scale and icons in DPT-mode
Press Mode key for DPT (dew point tempera-
ture) modes.
During the measurement, the dew point tempera-
ture will be displayed beside the mode icon.