Project planning guide
reaction wheel 2
Doc. no.: 5022-D060586
Revision: 02 Use of digital IOs
The digital IOs user output 1, user output 2 and user input 1 specified in the tables 5 and 6 can
be functionally configured by the user. The configuration options are documented in the CHM
help in the cyber
reaction wheel assistant.
To do so, simply tap digital IO help and configure the digital IOs within the digital IO tile (1).
Figure 1.4: Display and application of the configuration options
of the digital IOs for the cyber
reaction wheel 2
For information on how the digital IOs can best be integrated into the application, please refer to
The configuration example below describes use of the reaction wheel with the cyber
wheel starter kit:
As described in table 17,
User output 1 is wired to a red LED
User output 2 is wired to a green LED
on the cyber
reaction wheel starter kit.
In this configuration example, the red LED lights up in case of a fault in the drive and the green
LED as soon as the setpoint velocity is reached:
Figure 1.5: Configuration example of user output 1 and 2 for the cyber
reaction wheel 2 for displaying an error with the red
LED and displaying the velocity status with the green LED during operation with the cyber
reaction wheel starter kit