Operation Manual 12./07 WISI Communications GmbH & Co. KG
3.8 ECMG Status Page
The ECMG Status Page consists of two parts. The upper part lets you verify the connection
and communication between ECMG and the scrambler.
Use the scrollbar of your browser to reach the bottom part of the ECMG Status. The bottom
part informs you about the DVB SimulCrypt parameters that the scrambler and ECMG agreed
on using. See the DVB SimulCrypt specification for a detailed description of the meaning of
each parameter.
3.9 EMMG Settings Page
The scrambler is capable of being connected to four EMMGs. You define the ports to listen to
EMMG requests on this page. For each of the four EMMGs there are two ports to be defined
The TCP Port
The UDP Port
To deactivate an EMMG interface, set the associated TCP Port to 0. The UDP interface does
not work without the TCP interface activated, while the TCP interface is capable of working
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