GPS Setting
WSG-2000 provide information about how to reset GPS, set coordination and display format etc.
(Main Page->GPS->Press the “SET” key)
GPS Restart: Hot start / Warm start / Cold start
WSG-2000 with high-sensitive chipset can well receive and acquire the GPS signals generally
when in normal and frequent use. You can execute the Hot/Warm/Cold Start depends on the
strength of the GPS signals after WSG-2000 cannot be positioned for a long time, to perform this
action can help to speed up GPS positioning.
The conditions to perform the Hot/Warm/Cold Start:
Cold Start :
WSG-2000 has not been powered on for more than 3 months.
When you start the WSG-2000 again, the position is away more than 800km from the final
position when you shut down the WSG-2000 last time.
Warm Start :
If you start the WSG-2000 for more than 15mins but it cannot acquire and fix the
position, please execute Warm Start function.
Hot Start :
If you are a frequent user or the satellite signals are in a very good condition but it
cannot acquire and fix the position, please execute Hot Start function.
Coordinate:Default (WGS84)
Unless you need some special application, we strongly recommend using default format (WGS84)
Format: dd.ddd(degree)
dd mm.mmm’(Degree/minute)
dd mm’ ss.s’’(Degree/minute/second)
GPS Restart
Note : If you start WSG-2000 in the first time or execute the cold start function, there will be
discrepancy about the time on the system. Please take and position it to outdoor. It will modify
the time automatically.