2. ConneCtIons
2.1 ConneCtInG to a tV (aV outPut)
You can connect your pd1200hd to a big screen tv using the included 3.5mm to 3x rca lead.
connect the 3.5mm end of the av lead to the
aV out
port on your pd1200hd
connect the Yellow/ red/ white rca ends to the corresponding ports on your television
switch to your tvs av channel to view your pd1200hd (please refer to your tv manual for further
Please note that this mode is only available when in dVd Mode.
2.2 ConneCtInG VIa hdMI
You can connect your pd1200hd to a hd tv using any hdmi lead (not included)
connect one end of your hdmi lead to the dvB-hdmi out port on your pd1200hd
connect the other end to your hdmi enabled tv.
choose dvB mode using the mode key on your remote or the mode key located on the pd1200hd.
Please note that hdMI output only works when watching dVB digital tV.