Panel Specification
Note (9) Color Grayscale Linearity.
a. Test image : 100% full white pattern with a test pattern as below
b. Test pattern : Squares, 40mm by 40mm in size, filled with 255, 225, 195, 165, 135 and
105 grays steps should be arranged at the center
of the screen.
c. Test method
gray step : move a square of 255 gray level should be moved into the center of
the screen and measure luminance and u’ and v’ coordinates.
- Next gray step : Move a 225 gray square into the center and measure both
luminance and coordinates, too.
d. Test evaluation
Where A, B : 2 gray levels found to have the largest color differences between them
i.e. get the largest u’ and v’ of each 6 pair of u’ and v’ and calculate the u’v’.
u' v'= (u' - u' ) + (v' - v' )