Instructions: The above fig is the basic test circuit of GM-502B.The sensor requires two voltage inputs: heater
voltage (V
) and circuit voltage (V
). V
is used to supply specific working temperature to the sensor and it can
adopt DC or AC power. V
is the voltage of load resistance R
which is in series with sensor. Vc supplies the
detect voltage to load resistance R
and it should adopt DC power.
Sensitivity Characteristics:
Fig3.Typical Sensitivity Curve
Rs means resistance in target gas with different
concentration, R
means resistance of sensor in clean air.
All tests are finished under standard test conditions.
Fig4.Typical temperature/humidity characteristics
Rs means resistance of sensor in 150ppm CO gas under
different temp. and humidity. Rso means resistance of the
sensor in 150ppm CO gas under 20
Fig5.Responce and Resume
The output in above Fig is the voltage of RL which is in
series with sensor. All tests are finished under standard
test conditions and the test gas is 150ppm CO gas.
Fig6. Linearity character
The output in above Fig is the voltage of RL which is in
series with sensor. All tests are finished under standard
test conditions.