lets in the United States do not offer any other
type of liquefied petroleum gas than propane to
the general public.) Check local phone directory
yellow pages for locations of local LP gas refill-
ing stations or bulk dealerships.
NOTE: If you travel outside the U.S. with your
motor home, you may find butane or pro-
pane/butane mixtures available in addi-
tion to propane. Because gas-burning
RV appliances are designed to run on
propane only, we recommend that you
request straight propane only. Butane
burns about 30 percent hotter than pro-
pane and can overheat some appliances,
particularly refrigerators, and cause
permanent damage. Other appliances
designed to operate on propane can be-
come sooted and lose efficiency by using
butane fuel.
There are many LP gas refueling stations
located throughout the country. These stations
are listed in the telephone directory Yellow Pages
under “Gas - Liquified Petroleum - Bottled and
Since the LP tank is permanently mounted to
the frame, the motor home must be taken to an LP
dealership for filling. Do not attempt to remove
the LP tank from the vehicle. The tank is
equipped with a fill adapter with both internal
and external threads which allows easy filling
with any LP filling equipment. The tank is full
when liquid LP gas appears at the overflow
NOTE: The LP tank is equipped with an auto-
matic 80% stop-fill device.
Make sure the filling attendant uses
the 80% overflow valve when filling
the tank. A tank should never be
filled above 80% level to allow for
vaporization and liquid expansion.
Do not place LP gas containers inside
the vehicle. LP gas containers are
equipped with safety devices which
relieve excessive pressure by dis-
charging gas to the atmosphere.
Do not place LP gas containers, gaso-
line, or other flammable liquids
inside the vehicle. Fire or explosion
may result.
Do not alter or remove LP tank gauge
at any time.