Web Site Symptom:
After adding an esn/key pair to an account on the web site the user may be
blocked from proceeding. This may indicate a possible IP communication problem. This may only
be true for a device that has not previously communicated to the host and may not be an issue
for a device that has previously been in communication with the host but has now failed.
Should the problem continue, and if the EA800ip console is behind a network firewall, you may want
to have your IT department check the firewall settings against the following networking information. It
may be necessary to establish a static IP address for the console.
Network/firewall setup info:
(C.x firmware): The device needs to be able to make a DNS query. It also
needs to make an outbound TCP/HTTPS connection to the host using a URL programmed
into the firmware (cgw.magisinsight.net, but this can change depending on the device
on port 443
. Unlike V1.0 it
does not use ICMP
while in the Network Diagnostics
screen, to ping the host for a path quality check.
DNS: If DHCP is enabled, the device makes a DNS query to the DNS server based on the
local network settings. If DHCP is disabled (i.e. static IP is enabled) it will use the DNS server
at: DNS uses UDP and connects to the DNS server on port 53. There are
situations where the DNS may get reissued using TCP on port 53.
Description of network communications:
The Device is currently set up to send data to the Host at roughly 30 second intervals
This can trigger firewall rules that shut down the path as the firewall may see the frequent
activity as possible spam or unusual activity.
The device initiates an outbound connection to the host, and says “here I am, here are my
readings, do you have anything for me to do”. The server looks around and sees if anything is
waiting and sends any instructions (on the connection the device opened). The host is never
able to initiate a new connection to the device, the device always connects to the host. Any
commands from the host to the device, such as a configuration change, are done after the
device initiates the connection.
The device does not accept any inbound connections.