Servo oil system
The servo oil system supplies the items that follow with servo oil:
Exhaust valve control units (VCU)
Cylinder lubricating pumps
Injection control units, if applicable.
For the schematic diagrams, refer to section
13.1 Schematic diagrams - general
The system oil system supplies the servo oil through the supply pipe.
The servo oil system has the engine connections as interface to the plant as follows (in
Connection 25 (main oil inlet)
Connection 34 (leakage oil of driving end outlet)
Connection 35 (leakage oil of free end outlet)
Connection 38 (oil pipe drain of supply unit outlet).
Servo oil from the pumps and valves collects in the square collector pipe (003). The oil then
flows to the connections 34 and 35.
The servo oil system has the parts that follow:
Oil pipes
The oil pipes connect the items that use oil. All the high pressure oil pipes have double
wall. Inspection points in the pipes let find oil leaks.
Servo oil service pump
The servo oil service pump (005) can supply the servo oil system with oil before the
engine start or during maintenance.
Servo oil pump (number related to the configuration)
The servo oil pumps (004) supply the servo oil system with oil during usual operation.
Servo oil rail
The servo oil rail (007) supplies the exhaust valve control units with servo oil at
approximately 200 to 300 bar.
Exhaust valve control unit
The exhaust valve control units (VCU) (002) control the servo oil flow to the exhaust
valve. From the first exhaust valve control unit some of the oil flows to the pressure
reducing valve.
Pressure reducing valve
The pressure reducing valve (009) decreases the servo oil pressure to the value that is
necessary in the distributor pipe (mini-rail).
Distributor pipe (mini-rail)
The distributor pipe (mini-rail) (010) supplies the cylinder lubricating pumps with servo oil
at approximately 60 to 65 bar.
Operation Manual
Servo oil system
Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd.
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Issue 002 2020-08