About the engine
In the sections that follow you find the definitions of WinGD for the engine.
Groups of components
Each component of the engine has a four-digit material number. WinGD has divided these
components related to the first digit of the number into 9 groups:
Group 1 - Engine frame and bearings
Group 2 - Cylinder
Group 3 - Crankshaft, connecting rod and piston
Group 4 - Supply unit drive and control components
Group 5 - Supply unit, pumps and control valves
Group 6 - Scavenge air components
Group 7 - Cylinder lubrication and balancer
Group 8 - Pipes
Group 9 - Monitoring instruments.
Operation Manual
About the engine
Winterthur Gas & Diesel Ltd.
- 32 -
Issue 002 2020-08