Revision 3
VertaMax User Manual
Page 9 of 16
Remote Power Switch: Part Number PIN-RMPS-01 (purchased separate) is a 5 meter corded
remote control available through Windy Nation.
To remotely control the power function of the inverter, switch the rocker power switch (on the
inverter) down to the OFF position, essentially shutting down the Inverter. From the Remote
Control press the “ON” button to turn the inverter on and the “OFF” button to turn the power off.
Although the main power rocker switch will be in the OFF position, the green
power indicator will work as normal operation and will light when the VertaMax is remotely “ON”.
3.2 M
The VertaMax is equipped with a digital meter on the AC Output End of the unit. The meter will
provide one of the following measurements, depending on the switch selection:
1) WATTS: AC output power; shown in Watts
2) VOLTS: DC input voltage of the batteries; shown in Volts DC
3.3 P
The VertaMax has several protection features to protect itself as well as your electrical system.
Over Input Voltage
When the DC INPUT power voltage exceeds 16V DC, the alarm will beep three (3x) times and
the FAULT LED will blink Red.
The inverter will automatically shut down to protect itself from excessive input voltage.
Although the inverter incorporates protection against over-voltage, it is still
possible to damage the unit when the input voltage exceeds 15V DC.
Low Input Voltage
As a battery is used, its voltage begins to decrease. When the inverter senses that the voltage at
its DC input has dropped to 10.5V ± 0.3 DC, an audible alarm will sound and operation will
remain normal. When this happens, it is important to remove or shut down computers or other
sensitive devices that may be connected to the VertaMax and recharge the battery before its
capacity drops too low. The inverter can operate while the battery is recharging.
If the audible alarm is ignored and the voltage drops to 10.0V DC, the alarm will beep three (3x)
times, the FAULT LED will blink Red, and the inverter will automatically shut down to protect the
battery from being over-discharged.
When the input voltage rises to approximately 11.4 – 11.9V DC, the inverter restores to normal
operation and the red FAULT indicator will turn off.
Power Overload
When the starting power exceeds the rated surge power or the AC appliances connected to the
VertaMax exceed the inverter’s power rating, the alarm will beep continually and the FAULT LED
will blink Red. The output voltage will decrease and the inverter will automatically shut down after
approx. 20 seconds.
When in over current protection mode, the inverter cannot automatically restore to normal
operation; reset to normal operation by using the manual power switch.