Recycling the BA66
En vi ron men tal pro tec ti on does not be gin when
the time has come to dis po se of the BA66; it
be gins with the ma nu fac tu rer. This pro duct was
de sig ned ac cor ding to our in ter nal norm
“En vi ron men tal cons ci ous pro duct de sign and
de ve lop ment”.
The BA66 is manufactured without the use of CFCs and CCHS and is
produced mainly from reusable components and materials.
The processed plastics can, for the most part, be recycled. Even the
precious metals can be recovered, thus saving energy and costly raw
Please do not stick labels onto plastic case parts. This would help us to
re-use components and material.
You can protect our environment by only switching on your equipment when
it is actually needed. If possible, even avoid the stand-by-mode as this
wastes energy, too. Also switch your equipment off when you take a longer
break or finish your work.
At this time, there are still some parts that are not reusable. Wincor Nixdorf
International GmbH guarantees the environmentally safe disposal of these
parts in a Recycling Center, which is certified pursuant to ISO 9001 and ISO
So don’t discard your display on the garbage when it has served its time, but
take advantage of the environmentally smart, up-to-date recycling methods!
Plea se con tact your com pe tent branch or the Re cy cling Cen ter Pa der born
(for Eu ro pe an coun tries) for in for ma ti on on how to re turn and re-use de vi ces
and dis po sa ble ma ter ials un der the following mail address:
Email: info@win cor-nix
or on the internet.
We look for ward to your mail.