Winco PGS-1K Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 2


Portable Single-Range Gas Stove

Important For Future Reference


Congratulations on the purchase of your WINCO machine. Please take the time to carefully read through this manual to ensure the machine is 

operated and maintained properly, to ensure the best possible performance from this product for many years.
WINCO will not accept liability if:


The instructions in this manual have not been followed correctly.


Non-authorized personnel have tampered with the machine.


Non-original spare parts are used.


The machine has not been handled and cleaned correctly.


There is any use damage to the unit.

Please complete this information and retain this manual for the life of the product. For 

Warranty Service and/or parts, this information is required. Please see page 8 for more 

information on your Warranty and how to register.


Model Number 

Serial Number 

Date Purchased







WARNING:  ImpRopeR INstAllAtIoN, AdjustmeNt, 

AlteRAtIoN, seRvIce oR mAINteNANce cAN cAuse 

pRopeRty dAmAGe, INjuRy, oR deAth. ReAd the 

INstAllAtIoN, opeRAtIoN, ANd mAINteNANce 

INstRuctIoNs thoRouGhly befoRe INstAllING  

oR seRvIcING thIs equIpmeNt.

cAutIoN:  these models ARe desIGNed, buIlt, ANd 

sold foR commeRcIAl use oNly. If these models 

ARe posItIoNed so the GeNeRAl publIc cAN use 

the equIpmeNt, mAke suRe thAt cAutIoN sIGNs, 


cleARly posted NeAR eAch uNIt so thAt ANyoNe 

usING the equIpmeNt WIll use It coRRectly ANd 

Not INjuRe themselves oR hARm the equIpmeNt.

WARNING:  A fActoRy AuthoRIzed seRvIce 

pRovIdeR should hANdle All mAINteNANce 

ANd RepAIR. folloW the seRvIce set-up 

ARRANGemeNts befoRe AttemptING ANy 

RepAIR oR mAINteNANce.








ATTENTIoN: cES ModèlES SoNT coNçuS, fAbRIquéS,  


SI cES ModèlES SoNT plAcéS pouR quE lE gRANd  

publIc puISSE lES uTIlISER, ASSuREz-VouS quE lES coNSIgNES 



chAquE uNITé dE SoRTE quE N'IMpoRTE quEl uTIlISATEuR dE 








Summary of Contents for PGS-1K

Page 1: ...OURSELF WITH THESE USE AND SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS Congratulations on your purchase of this WINCO commercial gas range WINCO takes pride in the quality of its products When used as intended and with proper care and maintenance you will experience years of reliable operation from this equipment To ensure best results it is important that you read and follow the instructions in this manual carefully It ...

Page 2: ... Ifthesemodels are positioned so the general public can use theequipment makesurethatcautionsigns warnings and operating instructions are clearlypostedneareachunitsothatanyone usingtheequipmentwilluseitcorrectlyand notinjurethemselvesorharmtheequipment WARNING A factory authorized service provider should handle all maintenance and repair follow the service set up arrangementS Before attemPTing any...

Page 3: ...ctyour WINCOdealerimmediately Unpacking the Equipment Dispose of all packaging materials in an environmentally responsible manner 1 Removeallpackingmaterialsandtape aswellasanyprotective plasticandcardboard fromtheunit 2 Cleananyglueresidueleftoverfromtheplasticortape 3 Placetheunitinthedesiredpositionandheight Save the original box and packaging for use in packaging and shipping the equipment if ...

Page 4: ...ryordeath Readthisinstallation operatingandmaintenanceinstructions thoroughlybeforeinstallingorservicingthisequipment AVERTISSEMENT Linstallation lereglage lamodification lareparationouI entretien incorrectdecetappareilpeutcauserdesdommagesmateriels des blessuresoulamort Lireattentivementlesinstructions d installation defonctionnementetd entretienavantdeproceder asoninstallationouentretien TO PURC...

Page 5: ... Pressure Butane Gas GAS CONSUMPTION 155 g hr SAFETY DEVICE Automatic Gas Shut Off HEAT OUTPUT RATING 9 500 BTU hr 5 4 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 1 BrassBurner 2 Drip pan 3 Body 4 ElectronicCeramicNeedle 5 PressureSensor LockLever 6 TemperatureControlDial 7 AutoGasShut offSafetyDevice 8 Valve 9 SideLidtoCanisterCompartment ...

Page 6: ...anreach exceedinglyhottemperatures 11 Individualsunfamiliarwithorunqualifiedtooperatethis machine suchaschildren shouldnotoperateitwithoutclose andpropersupervision 12 Propercleaningandcareoftheunitarenecessaryforthe longevityanddurabilityofthemachine Shouldproper proceduresnotbeundertaken itmayvoidthewarranty 13 Improperuse handling oradherencetotheseinstructionsor commonsensemayresultinscaldingo...

Page 7: ...imthat needstobefacingupwardtoalignwitha springclip Thegasisleakingafterlocking soundor smell Wipingsoapywateronthesuspected area s willcausebubblesandhelpdetermine wherethegasisescaping Thegascanisdamaged Replacegascan Thesealorgaslineisdamaged Contactyourretailer Thegashasbeenturnedon TurngasdialtotheOFFpositionuntilready foruse DONOTtrystartingthegasburnerif youcansmellorheargasescaping Remove ...

Page 8: ...reto maintain neglect abuse damageduetoexcesswater fire normal wear impropersetupanduse Periodicmaintenanceisnotcovered Thiswarrantyisnotinforceuntilsuchtimeasaproperlycompleted anddigitallysignedInstallation WarrantyRegistrationhasbeen receivedbyWINCOwithin30daysfromthedateofinstallation Warranty Service Toinitiatewarrantyservicecontact support wincous com orcall 973 295 3899 DONOTsendunittoWINCO...
