WiMo Antennen und Elektronik GmbH
Am Gäxwald 14, D-76863 Herxheim Tel. (07276) 96680 FAX 9668-11
http://www.wimo.com e-mail: [email protected]
W3DZZ+5 Drahtantenne 10-80m, 1000 Watt
Best. Nr:
Amateur Antenna W3DZZ+5 for short-wave bands 10, 15, 20, 40, 80 m
1. Antenna delivery package.
Antenna wire
4 pcs.
2 pcs.
1 pcs.
Brass wire
2 pcs.
PL-259 connector (better suited for soldering)
2 pcs.
1 pcs.
1 pcs.
Instruction manual
1 pcs.
2. Antenna specifications.
Operating frequencies (for SWR), less than 2
10 m
28–29.5 MHz
15 m
21.0–21.32 MHz
20 m
14.0–14.35 MHz
40 m
7.0–7.2 MHz
80 m
3.5–3.8 MHz
50 Ohm
Connector type
Max. power input
1000 W (SSB, CW)
Antenna length
36 m
Antenna weight
2.35 kg
3. W3DZZ+5 antenna description.
The attempts to introduce the three-band dipole W3DZZ+3 into the European market led to an interesting
acquaintance with a new design of an old antenna which additionally had 21 and 28 MHz. That design was
suggested by a well-known Finnish radio amateur Jukka Heikinheimo OH2BR who further got to know about the
modification from his friend OH2EC.
The new antenna is shown in the figure below. Its differences from the predecessor are as follows:
The antenna is powered through a 1/4 wave transformer with the resistance of 75 Ohm, which improves
matching at 14 MHz without considerable decreases in other bands;
Two hanging whiskers at last made it possible to “start” the antenna in the band of 21 MHz with an
excellent standing wave ratio;
The selection of LC elements in the antenna traps are optimized for a successful compromise of
resonances 80 m and 20 m band.