© by WilTec Wildanger Technik GmbH
Item 50948
Page 8
09 2021
Replace UV lamp
1. Open the filter (Fig. 2 above) and turn the filter head over.
2. Carefully turn the quartz glass tube counter-clockwise
until you feel a resistance
and pull it out.
3. Pull out the UV lamp and insert a new one
4. Fasten the quartz glass tube again by carefully turning it
Placing into aquarium
(1) = Water level must be 3 cm above inlet bow.
(2) = Suction must be parallel to aquarium wall.
Filter operation and troubleshooting
Noise reduction/ external air
Especially the suction pipe and the connected skimmer must be adjusted to the water level of the aquar-
ium and checked for seal tightness. In cases where this is not possible due to the form of the aquarium,
the skimmer should be sealed completely to avoid undesirable external air intake.
Take the return-flow hose that conducts the water from the filter to the fish tank and put its end inside a
clean bucket placed below the filter. Carry out the de-aeration process (evacuation of air) by activating
the manual pump. Please make sure to adjust the highest possible flow rate at the inlet/outlet connection
piece. As soon as there are no more air bubbles, seal the hose with a finger and reconnect it to the
corresponding pipe at the top edge of the aquarium.