Device operation
Control panel explanation (61998)
1. The lighting in the interior of the oven is activated by the light switch.
2. The heating part is controlled by a power switch. When this is connected, the thermostats for
top and bottom heat can be set while the heating elements start to heat up. As soon as the
temperature reaches the desired thermostat setting, the display switches off.
3. The timer button is the time control mode and also power switch. Once the timer is set and the
time begins to run out, the thermostat and heating element begin to work. If the oven is swit-
ched on manually, the timer function is interrupted and cannot be set.
4. The bottom heating element and its display are controlled by the bottom heat thermostat, whi-
le the top heating element and its display are controlled by the top heat thermostat.
© by WilTec Wildanger Technik GmbH
Artikel 61998, 61999
Seite 4
10 2020-1