Thank you for purchasing this quality product.
To minimize the risk of injury we urge that our cli-
ents take some basic safety precautions when using this device. Please read the operation in-
structions carefully and make sure you have understood its content.
Keep these operation instructions safe.
Safety and operating instructions
All persons operating or servicing this equipment must familiarize themselves with the operat-
ing instructions and be aware of potential hazards. Children must not use the fruit press. Ob-
serve the general accident prevention regulations and all health and safety regulations.
There are no user serviceable parts inside this unit. Have servicing, adjustment and repair
done by qualified service personnel. In the event of external intervention, the 2-year warranty
period expires! Keep these operating instructions in a safe place.
With all presses of this type, it is not possible to press whole fruits. A mash (strongly crushed
fruit) must be produced, otherwise a successful pressing process is not possible. A wine or
fruit press cannot be compared to a juicer. Both products work completely differently. Grapes,
e. g., cannot be processed in a juicer because the pips are destroyed, and bitter substances
are released. It is a fruit press that lets the seeds intact, and the juice can thus be processed
into wine.
Apples, pears and other types of fruit must be processed into mash before pressing. Whole,
half and quartered fruits cannot be pressed.
A good fruit mash is a prerequisite for the production of juice, zest or must. The mill can be
used for grinding berries, grapes, apples, pears, and potatoes, or similar soft fruits/vegetables.
Hard fruits and vegetables such as sugar beet, carrots, or unripe or hard stone fruits are not
suitable for being processed with this mill.
Apples, pears, quince and similar fruits are especially suitable for this crusher. The relatively
solid pulp is crushed by the mill; the resulting mash increases the juice output and enables a
pressing of the fruit.
Grapes, raspberries, currants and similar fruits, should not be crushed – as stone fruits. This is
usually not necessary because the flesh is very soft and only surrounded by a skin. During
crushing, the seeds contained in the fruit set free bitter substances that would embrown the
The juice quality will only be good if healthy and ripe fruits are processed. Unripe, overripe,
rotten, and cracked fruits should be discarded. Fruits that have rotten or moulded spots may
not be processed. This does not include fresh pressure marks on windfalls as long as no de-
cay has occurred yet. Thoroughly clean the fruits with drinking water before processing them
so that no dirt enters into the mash.
This fruit press is not designed for industrial use.
Setting up the press
Attach the three feet to the base of the press using the screws provided.
Lift the press plate by turning it counter-clockwise.
Loosen the wing nut at one end of the spindle and swing the spindle and plate to one side.
The cylindrical container can then be lifted off the base plate.
Clean the press with warm soapy water and rinse with clean water. Make sure that the spindle
piston is dry.
© by WilTec Wildanger Technik GmbH
Item 51278, 51279, 51748, 51749
Page 3
12 2020-1