© by WilTec Wildanger Technik GmbH
Seite 17
Do not operate tool if under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Read warning
labels if taking prescription medicine to determine if your judgment or reflexes are
impaired while taking drugs. If there is any doubt, do not operate the tool.
Pacemaker safety warning.
People with pacemakers should consult their physi-
cian(s) before using this produce. Electromagnetic fields in close proximity to a
heart pacemaker could cause interference to, or failure of the pacemaker. In addi-
tion, people with pacemakers should adhere to the following:
-Caution is necessary when near the coil, spark plug cables, or distributor of a
running engine. The engine should always be off if adjustments are to be made
to the distributor.
For your safety, service and maintenance should be performed
regularly by a qualified technician.
Note: Performance of this tool may vary depending on variations in air pressure and
compressor capability.
Brake Fluid Exchanger Safety Precautions
Caution: This equipment is designed to be operated by qualified and trained person-
nel. It should only be operated after reading and understanding the safety warnings
and operating procedures in this instruction manual and the vehicle’s service manual.
1. Wear ANSI approved safety goggles.
2. Do not smoke near this equipment.
3. Use in a well ventilated area.
4. When leaks are found in the equipment or hoses, immediately turn the air pressure
off and repair the leaks.
5. Immediately clean up any fluid spills or leaks.
6. Do not exceed the recommended operating air pressure. This could damage equip-
ment. See Specifications on page 2.
7. Do not use any cleaning compounds in this system.
8. Keep an empty plastic bucket nearby in case of fires.
9. Keep a type ABC fire extinguisher nearby in case of leaks.
10. Prior to using the Brake Fluid Exchanger make sure to read and understand all
warnings, safety precautions, and instructions as outlined in the vehicle manufac-
turer’s service manual. Every vehicle has specific brake bleeding requirements. It
is beyond the scope of this manual to properly describe the correct procedure for
each vehicle.
11. Prior to using the Brake Fluid Exchanger, make sure to place the vehicle’s trans-
mission in “PARK”(if automatic) or “NEUTRAL” (if manual). Then, set the emer-
gency parking brake and block the tires with chocks.
12. Use the Brake Fluid Exchanger only with brake fluid. Do not attempt to use the tool
to siphon any other liquids. Contamination of brake fluid and possible brake system
failure may result.
13. Follow guidelines for proper brake fluid disposal. Used brake fluid should be
properly disposed of or recycled. Many states require recycling. Contact your local
solid/liquid waste authority for information on recycling. Do not reuse old brake fluid.
14. Do not use pressurized air to blow off brake dust. Only use brake parts cleaner to
clean dust off of the brake calipers.
15. Be alert for hot brake components and other hot vehicle components to avoid acci-
dental burns.